Board of Directors

As the ultimate management body of the Association, the Board of Directors is empowered to carry out any necessary or useful actions for the achievement of the association's purpose, the exception being the powers reserved by law to the General Meeting of Members.
As a general principle, each effective member, other than natural persons, is represented in the Board of Directors.  In addition, the bylaws allow the possibility of additional 'independent directors', of which the number is limited to maximum 1/3rd of the total number of directors.

President of the Board of Directors:   

Jacques de Toeuf: CEO of CHIREC

Honorary President:

Rudi Thomaes


Marc Decramer, MD, PhD, CEO of the University Hospital Leuven

Marc Noppen, Md, PhD, Managing Director of the University Hospital Brussels, UZB

Marc Van Uytven, Managing Director of OLV Aalst

Renaud Mazy, CEO of the Brussels Saint-Luc University Hospital

Michel Govaerts, Administrative and financial Director of IRIS Hospitals


Jef Peeters, CEO of the Brussels Europe Hospitals


The Chief Executive Officer is responsible for the implementation of the association's policy and strategy laid down by the Board of Directors. Consequently, he is given the most extensive powers regarding the day-to-day management.

Chief Executive Officer: